These days, social media is all the rage online. In this article, you will find the top three most common social media marketing myths debunked.
Myth #1: Every Business Needs Social Media
Firstly, not every single person is on social media and not every business needs social media marketing. When businesses tell us they want or need social media and we ask them why, the answer is often “I don’t know”. We understand it must appear that every business and every website is somehow connected to social media with all those Facebook icons and Twitter icons all over the Internet but that’s not the case.
This article isn’t meant to discourage anyone from using social media but instead it is meant to make you ask yourself questions like:
- Why do I want social media? (What am I trying to accomplish?)
- Is social media appropriate in helping me accomplish those goals?
- How do I intend to use social media?
- How will social media help my business? (e.g. More brand awareness, more sales, etc.)
- Can I invest the time/work or budget into social media or social media marketing? Continue reading