Author Archives: NetServices

Web Design, Web Development, SEO Schemes, Scams and Rip-Offs

Scams Regarding Web Design, Web Development, SEO

This article is about Web Design, Web Development, SEO schemes, scams and rip-offs. It’s not a particularly a fun topic but it is an important one and one that should be discussed.

We’ve had many clients who have come to us during the middle of their project (while working with another company or provider) because they’re stuck in a bad situation and need rescue. What is more unfortunate is that many of these clients who were caught in these schemes, scams, and rip-offs came to us earlier but was swayed by a “lower price” provider because their pricing was “more attractive”. There are a few sayings that we feel are always important to keep in mind:

  1. You get what you pay for.
  2. If it’s too good to be true, it probably is.
  3. If it’s cheap, it ain’t be good; if it’s good, it ain’t cheap. Continue reading

Shopping-Influence Statistics

Here are some shopping-influence statistics that should get you thinking about SEO – Search Engine Optimization, Social Media Marketing and/or Online Reputation Management:

  • 83% of consumers say online customer reviews influence their purchase decisions. (Source: Opinion Research Corp., June 2008)
  • A word-of-mouth recommendation is the primary factor behind 20% to 50% of all purchasing decisions. (Source: McKinsey Quarterly, April 2010)
  • Harvard University research on Yelp shows that a 1-star difference in reviews on Yelp may result in 5% to 9% in business gained or lost. (Source: Harvard University, September 2011)


The Blog is the Modern Small Businesses’ Best Tool

The Blog, Small Businesses' Best Tool

The blog is arguably one of today’s greatest tools for small businesses. Why is the blog so great? Here are a few reasons:

  1. It gives you and your business a voice
  2. It provides a way for your business to respond to news in the media relating to your business or industry Continue reading

Social Media Marketing Myths Debunked

Social Media Marketing Myths Debunked

These days, social media is all the rage online. In this article, you will find the top three most common social media marketing myths debunked.

Myth #1: Every Business Needs Social Media

Firstly, not every single person is on social media and not every business needs social media marketing. When businesses tell us they want or need social media and we ask them why, the answer is often “I don’t know”. We understand it must appear that every business and every website is somehow connected to social media with all those Facebook icons and Twitter icons all over the Internet but that’s not the case.

This article isn’t meant to discourage anyone from using social media but instead it is meant to make you ask yourself questions like:

  • Why do I want social media? (What am I trying to accomplish?)
  • Is social media appropriate in helping me accomplish those goals?
  • How do I intend to use social media?
  • How will social media help my business? (e.g. More brand awareness, more sales, etc.)
  • Can I invest the time/work or budget into social media or social media marketing? Continue reading